The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Sul Ross State University nearly $7.5 million to help develop new degree programs, including a new Ph.D. in Natural Sciences.

This will allow for multiple faculty members to teach and research at the Center for Big Bend Studies and provides stability for the program’s funding for half a decade.

The Promoting Postbaccalaureate Opportunities for Hispanic Americans (PPOHA) grant program will provide approximately $1.5 million annually for the next five years to increase the attainment of Hispanic students, improve academic offerings and enhance program quality to help Hispanic and low-income students complete post-secondary degrees.

The grant will help develop graduate degrees/certificates in Water Science, Dual Credit Teaching and Professional Spanish, while providing support for existing graduate programs such as the new Master of Arts in Anthropology. The funds will also cover the cost of 11 new faculty positions, a project director and support staff.

“The security this funding provides allows us to focus on our important fieldwork,” says CBBS Director Dr. Bryon Schroeder. “The work ahead requires many hands, so we are grateful for the increased opportunities.”

This grant implements a partnership with Texas Tech University and Texas A&M University-Kingsville to help create market-driven graduate programs and improve the student experience through better facilities, equipment, technology and hands-on learning.

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