1103, 2025

Rare Mammoth Tusk Discovered at West Texas Ranch

Although he was searching for deer, a hunter at the O2 Ranch (a privately owned ranch in Brewster and Presidio counties) found something very different and a little puzzling. Could it be a mammoth [...]

2301, 2025

Grant Enriches Sul Ross Science Programs

The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Sul Ross State University nearly $7.5 million to help develop new degree programs, including a new Ph.D. in Natural Sciences. This will allow for multiple faculty members [...]

307, 2024

Homer Mills Research Endowment

In February we lost a stalwart conservationist of the cultural resources in the Big Bend Region—O2 Ranch manager and CBBS board member Homer Mills. Homer loved the science of archaeology, frequently contributing his knowledge, [...]