Justin Garnett, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Center for Big Bend Studies
Sul Ross State University
Ferguson Hall, Suite 114D, Box C-71
Alpine, TX 79832
Phone: 432-837-8825
Fax: (432) 837-8381
Email: justin.garnett@sulross.edu
Justin Garnett, PhD
Justin is interested in stone and bone, particularly how these materials enter and exit the “social world” through the manufacture and discard of tools. He received both his M.A. (2021) and Ph.D. (2024) at the University of Kansas. His research examined the functional efficiency of Paleoindian lithic projectile points across a range of resharpening states, and the influence of projectile point mass on the external ballistics of spearthrower darts. Other research has focused on the identification of osseous spearthrower finger loops from Paleolithic France. Closer to home, Justin has a particular interest in the lithic technologies termed “Clovis” and “Folsom”, and wonders what the differences between them “mean”.
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Selected Publications
Garnett, J., and F. Sellet
2023 Exploring the Possible Function of Paleolithic Open Rings as Spearthrower Finger Loops. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 6(9) https://doi.org/10.1007/s41982-023-00136-0
Sellet, F. and J. Garnett
2024 A Folsom Foreshaft from the Blackwater Draw Site. American Antiquity, 89(2), 263–278. https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2024.15
Pettigrew, D. B., J. Garnett, C. Ryals-Luneberg, and E. Vance
2023 Terminal Ballistics of Stone-Tipped Atlatl Darts and Arrows: Results From Exploratory Naturalistic Experiments. Open Archaeology, 9(1), 20220299. https://doi.org/10.1515/opar-2022-0299