Compiled by Gerald G. Raun
Edited by Erin Caro
HTML conversion by Frank García
©2011 Center for Big Bend Studies
204 pages
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Acebuches and Cueva del Águila, Two Pictograph Sites in North-Central Coahuila, Mexico, by Terry T. Sayther, Volume 9:19–32.
African-Americans in the West: A Short Story Tradition, by Laurie Champion and Bruce A. Glasrud, Volume 10:221–242.
African Americans in West Texas: A Selected Bibliography, by Bruce A. Glasrud, Volume 18:191–212.
Aguaverde: A Forgotten Presidio of the Line, 1773–1781, by Solveig A. Turpin and Herbert H. Eling, Jr., Volume 16:83–128.
American Red Cross Activities at the Battle of Ojinaga December 1913–January 1914, by Glenn P. Willeford, Volume 12:167–179.
Apache Slave Trade in Parral, 1637–1679, The, by Rick Hendricks and Gerald Mandell, Volume 16:59–81.
Archeological Data Recovery at Site 41BS908: A 9,000 Year-old Site in the Chisos Basin, Big Bend National Park, by Thomas C. Alex, Volume 11:1–21.
Archeological Investigations of Goat Cave, Jeff Davis County, Texas, by Robert J. Mallouf, Volume 10:37–61.
Aspects of Acculturation in the Lower Big Bend Region of Texas, 1848–1943, by Earl H. Elam, Volume 12:71–91.
Beeves and Baseball: The Story of the Alpine Cowboys, by Betty L. Dillard and Karen L. Green, Volume 11:171–188.
Big Bend and The Imagination, by Lonn Taylor, Volume 10:203–219.
Big Bend Christmas Composite: Recollections of Christmas, A, by JoAnn Pospisil, Volume 9:117–136.
Blacks in Northern New Spain, by John Klingemann Franco, Volume 16:47–58.
Boredom, Fatigue, Illness and Death: The United States National Guard and the Texas-Mexico Border, 1916–1917, by Troy Ainsworth, Volume 19:81–96.
Build a Railroad and They Will Come: High Hopes in the Big Bend, 1909–1913, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 16:213–225.
Callahan Raid into Mexico, The 1855, by John Gesick, Volume 19:47–63.
Changes in the Statutory Boundaries of Big Bend Counties, 1850–1904, by Paul Wright, Volume 14:109–139.
Characteristics of Big Bend Mining Towns, 1885–1920, by Paul Wright, Volume 9:89–115.
Chiconics: Voice of The Barrio, by Abelardo Baeza, Volume 9:157–163.
Chinese Exclusion Agents and the Birth of the Border Patrol in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas, by Christopher Giles, Volume 18:73–84.
Colonel “Winker” Valdés: “El Azote de los Indios,” by Ben E. Pingenot, Volume 9:33–43.
Comanche Springs Rock Art Documentation, by Erin Watson, Volume 19:215–221.
Comments on the Prehistory of Far Northeastern Chihuahua, the La Junta District, and the Cielo Complex, by Robert J. Mallouf, Volume 11:49–92.
Cradles, Cribs, and Mattresses: Prehistoric Sleeping Accommodations in the Chihuahuan Desert, by Solveig A. Turpin, Volume 9:1–18.
Dating of Annular Middens from Surface Artifacts: A Problem from the Northern Trans-Pecos Region in New Mexico, The, by Regge N. Wiseman, Volume 11:37–48.
Davis-Herrera Ranch Site (41PS622) Presidio County, Texas, The, by Brenda B. Whorton, Volume 19:223–250.
Death of a President and the Destruction of the Mexican Federal Army, 1913–1914, The, by Rubén Osorio, Volume 12:105–131.
Descansos: Markers to Heaven, by Anita Torres Smith, Volume 12:259–269.
Development of a City Preservation Plan Based on the Historical Analysis of Urban Settlement Patterns in Laredo, Texas, by Nina Nixon-Méndez, Volume 9:77–88.
Documentation of a Plains Indian Feather Headdress, by Sherida G. Tripp, Volume 14:163–183.
Dostoyevsky and the Big Bend, by Thomas Wilson, Volume 13:121–144.
Early Black Nationalist Movements in Texas, by Bruce A. Glasrud, Volume 11:159–169.
Edward Palmer’s Exploration of Mortuary Caves in Coahuila during the Nineteenth Century, by Leticia González Arratia, Volume 16:129–161.
El Paso Salt War: A Review of the Historical Literature, The, by Paul Cool, Volume 17:49–81.
Escobar Rebellion: A Consideration of “La Azonda Militar de 1929,” The, by Octavio Fernandez Perea, edited by Ruben Osorio, J. Tillapaugh, and Jaime Aguilar, Volume 14:185–212.
Eva Camúñez Tucker: Hispanic Philanthropist in the Concho Country, by Arnoldo De León, Volume 15:181–194.
Extracts From David M. Poor’s Military History of Company B, 2nd Regiment, Texas Cavalry Concerning Sibley’s Invasion of New Mexico, by Douglas N. Travers, Volume 15:83–99.
Factors Associated with Income: The Big Bend in 1930, by Paul Wright, Volume 19:125–161.
Fire-cracked Rock Features and Tentative Identification of Mescalero Apache Sites in the Indio Mountains, Hudspeth County, Texas, by David L. Carmichael and William L. Unsinn, Volume 12:37–49.
Firing at Blank Range: Cavalry Maneuvers at Grierson’s Gulch, 41RG77, by Solveig A. Turpin and Larry Riemenschneider, Volume 13:107–120.
Fort Duncan: Frontier Outpost on the Rio Grande, by Al Kinsall, Volume 11:93–107.
Fort McKavett Community in 1889: Snapshots from the Original Fort McKavett Breeze, The, by Gloria Duarte, Volume 17:83–95.
From Griggs to Brewer: A Review of Black Texas Culture, 1899–1940, by Bruce A. Glasrud, Volume 15:195–212.
Gayle “Western” Cunningham: From Local Cowgirl to Hollywood Movie Star, by Gloria Duarte, Volume 19:163–173.
General Albino Aranda: Villista Leader on the Texas Border During the Mexican Revolution, by Glenn P. Willeford, Volume 10:149–161.
Graham Barnett: Legend in the Big Bend, by Jim Coffey and John T. Barnett, Volume 19:97–124.
Great Chihuahua Cattle Drive of 1868, The, by Douglas N. Travers, Volume 13:85–105.
Grierson’s Spring Military Outpost, 1878–1882, by Larry Riemenschneider and Solveig A. Turpin, Volume 10:89–123.
Henry B. du Pont: Industrialist and Rio Grande River Runner, by J. Raymond Skiles, Volume 19:175–200.
Henry Skillman: A Grizzly Texas Man, by David M. Seals, Volume 16:163–168.
Hispanic Texas Rangers Contribute to Peace on the Texas Frontier, 1838 to 1880, by David E. Screws, Volume 13:27–36.
History and Future of Adobe at La Junta de los Rios: Social Dimensions of Adobe Making, The, by Enrique R. Madrid, Volume 17:37–48.
Jora Dart Points from Cueva Encantada, Coahuila, Mexico, by Leslie F. Zubieta, Volume 11:23–36.
Josefa Lara Camuñez: Mexican American Businesswoman, by Gloria Duarte, Volume 18:121–134.
Jumano Diaspora: Some More Pieces to the Puzzle, The, by Regge N. Wiseman, Volume 14:97–107.
La Frontera del Cielo, by James Collett, Volume 14:85–95.
La Última Frontera: Photographs of West Texas, by Jason Reed, Volume 19:201–213.
Landmarks of Law West of the Pecos: Preserving Historic Courthouses of the Big Bend, by Dan K. Utley and Bob Brinkman, Volume 17:193–217.
Life and Times of Valeriano Torres, 1844–1898, The, by Anita Torres Smith and Donald E. Smith, Volume 13:37–64.
Lost Mission of El Polvo: Searching for the History of a State Archeological Landmark, The, by Enrique R. Madrid, Volume 15:55–68.
Love on the Rio Grande: The 1850 Exploration by Captain Love, by Matt Walter, Volume 19:35–45.
Luis and Melchor de Valdés, 1641 to 1666: A Case Study in Administrative Ingenuity, by Rick Hendricks and Gerald Mandell, Volume 19:7–33.
Madero Revolution, The, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 18:85–120.
Madero Revolution and the Bloody Bend, The, by Earl H. Elam, Volume 13:167–193.
Manufacture and Age of Toyah Arrow Points from Big Bend National Park, Texas, The, by Donald W. Corrick, Volume 12:1–12.
Mays Fight: A Reappraisal of a Neglected Action, The, by Neil C. Mangum, Volume 9:45–56.
Memories of a Revolution, by Curtis Tunnell, Volume 12:181–185.
Mexico 1910–1920: The Lost Revolution, by Rubén Osorio, Volume 9:57–68.
Mexico-North Research Network: Origins of a Binational Consortium, The, by William L. Merrill, Volume 15:213–237.
More Phantom Surveys Come Home to Roost: The Search for the True “Gano Corner,” by Paul Wright, Volume 17:97–141.
Naming Practices among the Black Seminole of the Texas-Mexico Border Region, by Mischa B. Adams, Volume 11:119–144.
Observations at a Trans-Pecos Rock Art Site, by Eileen Thompson, Volume 10:1–23.
Ore Terminal in Big Bend National Park, The, by Joel Greenberg, Volume 18:47–71.
Overview of the Canon Ranch Archeological District, An, by George M. Canon, Volume 10:63–76.
Pancho Villa, the Columbus Raid, and the El Paso Jail Fire, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 15:163–180.
Past and Present at the Chispa Creek Folsom Site, Culberson County, Texas, by John D. Seebach, Volume 16:1–30.
Pecos River in Literature and Folklore, The, by Doug Braudaway, Volume 18:165–182.
Peso Devaluations, American Business, and American Responses: 1982 and 1984, by William A. Boone, Volume 14:213–231.
Peyote Religion and Mescalero Apache: An Ethnohistorical View from West Texas, The, by Stacy B. Schaefer, Volume 12:51–70.
Phantom Surveys Come Home to Roost: The Brewster-Pecos County Boundary Dispute, by Paul Wright, Volume 15:127–162.
Phantom Surveys: The Search for the True Gano Corner, Part II, by Paul Wright, Volume 18:135–164.
Prehistoric Ritual Destruction of Some Lower Pecos River Style Pictographs: Making Meaning out of What We Do Not See, by Timothy E. Roberts, Volume 17:1–35.
Punto de los Muertos (LA 116471): A Possible Late Archaic Cemetery in the Northern Trans-Pecos of Southeastern New Mexico, by Regge N. Wiseman, Volume 15:1–26.
Pushing the Mules through Guadalupe Pass: Pinery Station on the Butterfield Overland Mail, by James T. Matthews, Volume 11:109–118.
Radiocarbon Date and X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Pictograph Samples from Tall Rockshelter, Davis Mountains, Texas, by Amber Jensen, Robert J. Mallouf, Tom Guilderson, Karen L. Steelman, and Marvin W. Rowe, Volume 16:31–46.
Recuerdos de la Caballeria, by Anita Torres Smith, Volume 10:189–202.
Refugees or Prisoners of War: The Internment of a Mexican Federal Army after the Battle of Ojinaga, December 1913–January 1914, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 12:133–165.
Rise and Decline of the Mexican Revolution in Muzquiz, Coahuila, The, by Daniel R. Miller, Volume 12:187–258.
Rock Art in Isolation: The Black Mountains and Red Hills of Hudspeth County, by Solveig A. Turpin, Volume 14:1–31.
Rock Art of Coahuila: Pictographs of the La Linda Area, by Terry Sayther and Deborah Stuart, Volume 10:25–35.
Rough Run Burial: A Semi-Subterranean Cairn Burial from Brewster County, Texas, The, by William A. Cloud, Volume 14:33–84.
San José de Parral: Colonial Trade of Parralenses with Nuevo México and El Paso del Rio del Norte, by Oakah L. Jones, Jr., Volume 13:11–26.
Search for the San Elizario Salt Road, by Stephen M. Carpenter, Volume 14:141–162.
Search for the “True San Martin Springs,” The, by Paul Wright, Volume 16:169–211.
Servants at Frontier Military Posts: A Glimpse at ‘Domesticity’ through the Letters of Alice Kirk Grierson, by Mary L. Williams, Volume 11:145–157.
Short History of Pecos Spring, A, by Glenn P. Willeford, Volume 9:69–75.
Silent Voices: Philipp Rondé Meets Mangas Coloradas, by R. B. Brown, Volume 13:65–84.
Some Thoughts About Bedrock Mortars and Subsistence Group Size in the Northern Trans-Pecos, by Regge N. Wiseman, Volume 12:13–36.
Spanish and Mexican Origins of Ranching in Texas, The, by Joe S. Graham, Volume 10:77–87.
Starting Over: Impacts of Mexican Revolution Refugees on Big Bend Society, by Paul Wright, Volume 13:195–213.
Tejanos in West Texas: A Selected Bibliography, by Bruce A. Glasrud and Arnoldo De León, Volume 15:239–255.
Terlingua Ranch: A History of Land Development in Southern Brewster County, Texas, by Carolyn Ohl, Volume 9:137–155.
Tracks Lead South: An Underground Railroad from Texas into Mexico, The, by William A. Boone, Volume 15:69–82.
Transient Clergy in the Trans-Pecos Area, 1848–1892, by Robert E. White, Volume 18:7–45.
Traveling Over an Unknown Trail: Company H of the Tenth Cavalry at Fort Davis, 1875–1885, by James T. Matthews, Volume 12:93–104.
Trousset Travels the Lower Road: Five Pen and Ink Drawings from Early Texas, by R. B. Brown, Volume 19:65–79.
Trucks Along the Southwest Border: Army Motorization and Road Construction in the U.S.-Mexico Border Country, 1916–1926, by Thomas C. Buckley, Volume 13:215–234.
Tumultuous Decade: Changes in the Mexican-Origin Population of the Big Bend, 1910–1920, A, by Paul Wright, Volume 10:163–187.
Two Texas Rangers Needed: Pursuit of the Murderers of the Petty Family into Mexico by the Tenth Cavalry in 1884, by Franklin W. and Dorothy C. Daugherty, Volume 10:125–148.
Under-Appreciated Phenomenon: Small Non-Rock Thermal Features in Southeastern New Mexico, An,by Regge W. Wiseman, Volume 13:1–10.
United States Mobilization in 1911: The Maneuver Division, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 17:143–156.
Update: The Great Chihuahua Cattle Drive of 1868, An, by Douglas N. Travers, Volume 18:183–190.
Vanishing Arches of the Texas Trans-Pecos, by Brenda B. Whorton, Volume 15:115–125.
Violent Times Along New Mexico’s Trans-Pecos Frontier, by Stephen D. Bogener, Volume 13:145–166.
Walking the Line: A Preliminary Sandal Chronology From Coahuila and Southwestern Texas, by Solveig A. Turpin, Volume 15:27–53.
Warriors on the Gridiron: The GI Bill, World War II Veterans, and Football at Sul Ross State Teachers College, by Thomas M. Hunt, Volume 17:157–192.
White Racial Identity in the 1930s Big Bend: The Texas Writings of Nelson Algren, byTodd M. Michney, Volume 13:235–252.
“Wired Wild West:” The U.S. Army and the Telegraph in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas, 1870–1891, by James D. Lewallen, Volume 15:101–114.
- Adams, Mischa B.
- Naming Practices among the Black Seminole of the Texas-Mexico Border Region, Volume 11:119-144
- Ainsworth, Troy
- Boredom, Fatigue, Illness and Death: The United States National Guard and the Texas-Mexico Border, 1916–1917, Volume 19:81–96.
- Alex, Thom, Abelardo
- Archeological Data Recovery at Site 41BS908: A 9,000 Year-old Site in the Chisos Basin, Big Bend National Park, Volume 11:1–21.
- Baeza Abelardo
- Chiconics: Voice of the Barrio, Volume 9:157–163.
- Bogener, Stephen D.
- Violent Times along New Mexico’s Trans-Pecos Frontier, Volume 13:145–166.
- Boone, William A.
- Peso Devaluations, American Business, and American Responses: 1982 and 1984, Volume 14:213–231.
- The Tracks that lead South: An Underground Railroad from Texas into Mexico, Volume 15:69–82.
- Braudaway, Doug
- The Pecos River in Literature and Folklore, Volume 18:165–182.
- Brown, R. B.
- Silent Voices: Philipp Rondé Meets Mangas Coloradas, Volume 13:65–84.
- Trousset Travels the Lower Road: Five Pen and Ink Drawings from Early Texas, Volume 19:65–79.
- Buckley, Thomas C.
- Trucks Along the Southwest Border: Army Motorization and Highway Construction in the U.S.?Mexico Border Country, 1916–1926, Volume 13:215–234.
- Canon, George M.
- An Overview of the Canon Ranch Archeological District, Volume 10:63–76.
- Carmichael, David L., and William L. Unsinn
- Fire-cracked Rock Features and the Tentative Identification of Mescalero Apache Sites in the Indio Mountains, Hudspeth County, Texas,Volume 12:37–49.
- Carpenter, Stephen M.
- Search for the San Elizario Salt Road, Volume 14:141–162.
- Champion, Laurie, and Bruce A. Glasrud
- African Americans in the West: A Short Story Tradition, Volume 10:221–242.
- Cloud, William A.
- The Rough Run Burial: A Semi-Subterranean Cairn Burial from Brewster County, Texas, Volume 14:33–84.
- Coffey, Jim, and John T. Barnett
- Graham Barnett: Legend in the Big Bend, Volume 19:97–124.
- Collett, James
- La Frontera del Cielo, Volume 14:85–95.
- Cool, Paul
- The El Paso Salt War: A Review of the Historical Literature, Volume 17:49–81.
- Corrick, Donald W.
- The Manufacture and Age of Toyah Arrow Points from Big Bend National Park, Texas, Volume 12:1–12.
- Daugherty, Franklin W., and Dorothy C. Daugherty
- Two Texas Rangers Needed: Pursuit of the Murderers of the Petty Family into Mexico by the Tenth Cavalry in 1884, Volume 10:125–148.
- De León, Arnoldo
- Eva Camúñez Tucker: Historic Philanthropist in the Concho Country, Volume 15:181–194.
- Dillard, Betty L., and Karen L. Green
- Beeves and Baseball: The Story of the Alpine Cowboys, Volume 11:171–188.
- Duarte, Gloria
- The Fort McCavett Community in 1889: Snapshots from the Original Fort McKavett Breeze, Volume 17:83–95.
- Josefa Lara Camúñez: Mexican American Businesswoman, Volume 18:121–134.
- Gayle “Western” Cunningham: From Local Cowgirl to Hollywood Movie Star, Volume 19:163–173.
- Elam, Earl H.
- Aspects of Acculturation in the Lower Big Bend Region of Texas:1848–1943, Volume 12:71–91.
- The Madero Revolution and the Bloody Bend, Volume 13:167–193.
- Fernandez Perea, Octavio, edited by Ruben Osorio, J. Tillapaugh, and Jaime Aguilar
- The Escobar Rebellion: A Consideration of “La Azonda Militar de 1929,” Volume 14:185–212.
- Gesick, John
- The 1855 Callahan Raid into Mexico: Pursuing Indians or Hunting Slaves?, Volume 19:47–63.
- Giles, Christopher
- Chinese Exclusion Agents and the Birth of the Border Patrol in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas, Volume 18:73–84.
- Glasrud, Bruce A.
- Early Black Nationalist Movements in Texas, Volume 11:159–169.
- From Griggs to Brewer: A Review of Black Texas Culture, 1899–1940, Volume 15:195–212.
- African-Americans in West Texas: A Selected Bibliography, Volume 18:191–212.
- Glasrud, Bruce A., and Arnoldo De León
- Tejanos in West Texas: A Selected Bibliography, Volume 15:239–256.
- González Arratia, Leticia
- Edward Palmer’s Exploration of Mortuary Caves in Coahuila during the Nineteenth Century, Volume 16:129–161.
- Graham, Joe S.
- The Spanish and Mexican Origins of Ranching in Texas, Volume 10:77–87.
- Greenberg, Joel
- The Ore Terminal in Big Bend National Park, Volume 18:47–71.
- Hendricks, Rick, and Gerald Mandell
- The Apache Slave Trade in Parral, 1637–1679, Volume 16:59–81.
- Luis and Melchor de Valdés, 1641–1666: A Case Study in Administrative Ingenuity, Volume 19:7–33.
- Hunt, Thomas M.
- Warriors on the Gridiron: The GI Bill, World War II Veterans, and Football at Sul Ross State Teachers College, Volume 17:157–192.
- Jensen, Amber, Robert J. Mallouf, Tom Guilderson, Karen L. Steelman, and Marvin W. Rowe
- Radiocarbon Date and X-ray Diffraction Analysis of Pictograph Samples from Tall Rockshelter, Davis Mountains, Texas, Volume 16:31–46.
- Jones, Oakah L., Jr.
- San José del Parral: Colonial Trade of Parralenses with Nuevo México and El Paso del Rio del Norte, Volume 13:11–26.
- Kinsall, Al
- Fort Duncan: Frontier Outpost on the Rio Grande, Volume 11:93–107.
- Klingemann Franco, John
- Blacks in Northern New Spain, Volume 16:47–58.
- Lewallen, James D.
- “Wired Wild West:” The U.S. Army and the Telegraph in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas, 1870–1891, Volume 15:101–114.
- Madrid, Enrique R.
- The Lost Mission of El Polvo: Searching for the History of a State Archeological Landmark, Volume 15:55–68.
- The History and Future of Adobe at La Junta de los Rios: Social Dimensions of Adobe Making, Volume 17:37–48.
- Mallouf, Robert J.
- Archeological Investigations at Goat Cave, Jeff Davis County, Texas, Volume 10:37–61.
- Comments on the Prehistory of Far Northeastern Chihuahua, the La Junta District, and the Cielo Complex, Volume 11:49–92.
- Mangum, Neil C.
- The Mays Fight: A Reappraisal of a Neglected Action, Volume 9:45–56.
- Matthews, James T.
- Pushing the Mules through Guadalupe Pass: Pinery Station on the Butterfield Overland Mail, Volume 11:109–118.
- Traveling Over an Unknown Trail: Company H of the Tenth Cavalry at Fort Davis, 1875–1885, Volume 12:93–104.
- Merrill, William L.
- The Mexico-North Research Network: Origins of a Binational Consortium, Volume 15:213–237.
- Michney, Todd M.
- White Racial Identity in the 1930s Big Bend: The Texas Writings of Nelson Algren, Volume 13:235–252.
- Miller, Daniel R.
- The Rise and Decline of the Mexican Revolution in Múzquiz, Coahuila, Volume 12:187–258.
- Nixon-Mendéz, Nina
- The Development of a City Preservation Plan Based on the Historical Analysis of Urban Settlement Patterns in Laredo, Texas, Volume 9:77–88.
- Ohl, Carolyn
- Terlingua Ranch: A History of Land Development in Southern Brewster County, Texas, Volume 9:137–155.
- Osorio, Rubén
- Mexico 1910–1920: The Lost Revolution, Volume 9:57–68.
- The Death of a President and the Destruction of the Mexican Federal Army, 1913–1914, Volume 12:105–131.
- Pingenot, Ben E.
- Colonel “Winker” Valdés: “El Azote de los Indios,” Volume 9:33–43.
- Posposil, JoAnn
- A Big Bend Christmas Composite: Recollections of Christmas, Volume 9:117–136.
- Raun, Gerald G.
- Refugees or Prisoners of War: The Internment of a Mexican Federal Army after the Battle of Ojinaga, December 1913–January 1914, Volume 12:133–165.
- Pancho Villa, the Columbus Raid, and the El Paso Jail Fire, Volume 15:163–180.
- Build a Railroad and They Will Come: High Hopes in the Big Bend, 1909–1913, >Volume 16:213–225.
- United States Mobilization in 1911: The Maneuver Division, Volume 17:143–156.
- The Madero Revolution, Volume 18:85–120.
- Reed, Jason
- La Última Frontera: Photographs of West Texas, Volume 19:201–213.
- Riemenschneider, Larry, and Solveig A. Turpin
- Grierson’s Spring Military Outpost, 1878–1882, Volume 10:89–123.
- Roberts, Timothy E.
- Prehistoric Ritual Destruction of Some Lower Pecos River Style Pictographs: Making Meaning Out of What We Do Not See, Volume 17:1–35.
- Sayther, Terry T.
- Acebuches and Cueva del Águila, Two Pictograph Sites in North-Central Coahuila, Mexico, Volume 9:19–32.
- Sayther, Terry T., and Deborah Stuart
- Rock Art of Coahuila: Pictographs of the La Linda Area, Volume 10:25–35.
- Schaefer, Stacy B.
- The Peyote Religion and Mescalero Apache: An Ethnohistorical View from West Texas, Volume 12:51–70.
- Screws, David E.
- Hispanic Texas Rangers Contribute to Peace on the Texas Frontier, 1838 to 1880, Volume 13:27–36.
- Seals, David M.
- Henry Skillman: A Grizzly Texas Man, Volume 16:163–168.
- Seebach, John D.
- Past and Present at the Chispa Creek Folsom Site, Culberson County, Texas, Volume 16:1–30.
- Skiles, J. Raymond
- Henry B. du Pont: Industrialist and Rio Grande River Runner, Volume 19:175–200.
- Taylor, Lonn
- The Big Bend and The Imagination, Volume 10:203–219.
- Thompson, Eileen
- Observations at a Trans-Pecos Rock Art Site, Volume 10:1–23.
- Torres Smith, Anita
- Recuerdos de la Caballería, Volume 10:189–202.
- Descansos Markers to Heaven, Volume 12:259–269.
- Torres Smith, Anita, and Donald E. Smith
- The Life and Times of Valeriano Torres, 1844–1898, Volume 13:37–64.
- Travers, Douglas N.
- The Great Chihuahua Cattle Drive of 1868, Volume 13:85–105.
- Extracts from David M. Poor’s Military History of Company B, 2nd Regiment, Texas Cavalry Concerning Sibley’s Invasion of New Mexico, Volume 15:83–99.
- An Update: The Great Chihuahua Cattle Drive of 1868, Volume 18:183–190.
- Tripp, Sherida G.
- Documentation of a Plains Indian Feather Headdress, Volume 14:163–183.
- Tunnell, Curtis
- Memories of a Revolution, Volume 12:181–185.
- Turpin, Solveig A.
- Cradles, Cribs, and Mattresses: Prehistoric Sleeping Accommodations in the Chihuahuan Desert, Volume 9:1–18.
- Rock Art in Isolation: The Black Mountains and Red Hills of Hudspeth County, Volume 14:1–31.
- Walking the Line: A Preliminary Sandal Chronology from Coahuila and Southwestern Texas, Volume 15:27–53.
- Turpin, Solveig A., and Herbert H. Eling, Jr.
- Aguaverde: A Forgotten Presidio of the Line, 1773–1781, Volume 16:83–128.
- Turpin, Solveig A., and Larry Riemenschneider
- Firing at Blank Range: Cavalry Maneuvers at Grierson’s Gulch, 41RG77, Volume 13:107–120.
- Utley, Dan K., and Bob Brinkman
- Landmarks of Law West of the Pecos: Preserving Historic Courthouses of the Big Bend, Volume 17:193–217.
- Walter, Matt
- Love on the Rio Grande: The 1850 Exploration by Captain Love, Volume 19:35–45.
- Watson, Erin
- Comanche Springs Rock Art Documentation, Volume 19:215–221.
- Whorton, Brenda B.
- Vanishing Arches of the Texas Trans-Pecos, Volume 15:115–125.
- The Davis-Herrera Ranch Site (41PS622) Presidio County, Texas, Volume 19:223–250.
- Willeford, Glenn P.
- A Short History of Pecos Spring, Volume 9:69–75.
- General Albino Aranda: Villista Leader on the Texas Border during the Mexican Revolution, Volume 10:149–161.
- American Red Cross Activities at the Battle of Ojinaga December 1913–January 1914, Volume 12:167–179.
- Williams, Mary L.
- Servants at Frontier Military Posts: A Glimpse at ‘Domesticity’ through the Letters of Alice Kirk Grierson,Volume 11:145–157.
- Wilson, Thomas
- Dostoyevsky and the Big Bend,Volume 13:121–144.
- Wiseman, Regge N.
- The Dating of Annular Middens from Surface Artifacts: A Problem from the Northern Trans-Pecos Region in New Mexico, Volume 11:37–48.
- Some Thoughts about Bedrock Mortars and Subsistence Group Size in the Northern Trans-Pecos,Volume 12:13–36.
- An Under-Appreciated Phenomenon: Small Non-Rock Thermal Features in Southeastern New Mexico, Volume 13:1–10.
- The Jumano Diaspora: Some More Pieces to the Puzzle, Volume 14:97–107.
- Punto de los Muertos (LA 116471): A Possible Late Archaic Cemetery in the Northern Trans-Pecos of Southeastern New Mexico, Volume 15:1–26.
- Wright, Paul
- Characteristics of Big Bend Mining Towns, 1885–1920, Volume 9:89–115.
- A Tumultuous Decade: Changes in the Mexican-Origin Population of the Big Bend, 1910–1920, Volume 10:163–187.
- Starting Over: Impacts of Mexican Revolution Refugees on Big Bend Society, Volume 13:195–213.
- Changes in the Statutory Boundaries of Big Bend Counties, 1850–1904, Volume 14:109–139.
- Phantom Surveys Come Home to Roost: The Brewster-Pecos County Boundary Dispute, Volume 15:127–162.
- The Search for the “True San Martin Springs,”Volume 16:169–211.
- More Phantom Surveys Come Home to Roost: The Search for the True “Gano Corner,” Volume 17:97–141.
- Phantom Surveys: The Search for the True Gano Corner, Part II,Volume 18:135–164.
- Factors Associated with Income: The Big Bend in 1930, Volume 19:125–161.
- Wright, Robert E.
- Transient Clergy in the Trans-Pecos Area, 1848–1892,Volume 18:7–45.
- Zubieta, Leslie F.
- Jora Dart Points from Cueva Encantada, Coahuila, Mexico, Volume 11:23–36.