Compiled by Susan W. Chisholm
Edited by William A. Cloud
©2018 Center for Big Bend Studies
128 pages
$7 (Free upon request to CBBS members)
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African-American Del Rio, by Doug Braudaway, Volume 21:151–177
All That Glitters is Not Gold: The El Oro Sagas, by Paul Wright, Volume 24:207–251
Alternative Interpretation of Some Iconographies Present in the Lower Pecos River Style Rock Art: An Ethnographic Study, An, by Jose Medina Gonzalez Davila, Volume 24:253–272
Arl Walter Fulcher: A Cowboy in France, a Soldier in Terlingua, Texas, by Kitty Sibayan, Volume 24:89–104
Bibliophiling West Texas Black American History, by Bruce A. Glasrud, Volume 20:19–26
‘Big Bend Bold’ Pictographs: Defining a New Rock Imagery Style in the Big Bend Region of Texas, by Timothy E. Roberts, Volume 22:81–108
Big Bend: Personal Reminiscences, The, by Richard H. Hancock, Volume 22:167–187
Bloody Receipts: The Defensive and Cultural Foundations for Scalp Hunting, by Clay Anderson, Volume 25:73–104
Bracketing Bean: The Other Two Leaders of Langtry, Texas, by Doug Braudaway, Volume 20:61–73
Build it and They Will Come? Boom and Bust in Presidio, by Paul Wright, Volume 20:39–60
Cabaza de Vaca in Texas, by Nancy P. Hickerson, Volume 24:163–188
Camp Mayers Spring, Texas, 1880–1884, by Thomas Ty Smith, Volume 27:1–16
Chinaitih Mountains: The Case for a More Plausible Narrative for How the Chinati Mountains Got Their Name, The, by Oscar Rodríguez, Amber Rodríguez, and David Gohre, Volume 26:27–42
Decorated Stones of Southwest Texas and Northern Mexico: Scratching, and Painting, the Surface, by Tim Roberts, Volume 26:67–95
Early Archaic Cultural Period in Eastern Trans-Pecos Texas, The, by Roger Boren, Volume 24:105–150
Englishmen, Railroads, and the San Carlos Coal Mine, by Glenn Justice, Volume 21:49–71
Establishment of Christoval’s Mount Carmel Hermitage, The, by Gloria Duarte, Volume 23:95–110
Five-Year White Elephant: Building the Davis Mountains Indian Lodge, The, by Lonn Taylor, Volume 22:109–118
Forty Acres and a Lot: Early Rural Land Subdivision in the Big Bend, by Paul Wright, Volume 23:111–147
Four Different Communities: Presidio in 1910, 1920, 1930, and 1940, by Paul Wright, Volume 25:185–228
From Boxing to Painting: Lorenzo Castañeda, Jr., by Gloria Duarte, Volume 20:27–37
Ghost Ridge: A Prehistoric Crevice Burial from Brewster County, Texas, by Jennifer C. Piehl and Robert J. Mallouf, Volume 25:7–71
Giddings’ Lost Pecos Station, by Tommy Garrison, Volume 20:123–135
Henry C. Trost: Architect of “Arid America,”, by Troy Ainsworth, Volume 21:73–98
Inspection of the Military Colonies of Chihuahua: Report Sent by the Inspector of the Military Colonies of the North, by Colonel Emilio Langberg, translated by Herbert H. Eling, Jr., Volume 20:89–101
Interpretation of Ceramic Spindle Whorls in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, by Rachel Freer-Waters, Volume 23:149–162
J.A. Tippit Journal and Tourism at Mitre Peak, 1913–1939, The, by Shirley W. Caldwell, Volume 21:99–117
Jesse Evans Gang and the Death of Texas Ranger George R. Bingham, The, by Chuck Parsons , Volume 20:75–87
José Maria Bill: Indian Captive-Army Guide, by Antonio Pruneda Bill, Volume 21:31–47
Laguna De Mayrán and Changes in the Desert Landscape: The Desiccation of a Seasonal Lake in Southern Coahuila and Associated Human Adaptations Through Time, The, by Leticia González Arratia, Volume 24:151–161
Landscape Approach to Archaeological Distribution Patterns at Chilicote Ranch, Presidio and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas, A, by David Carmichael and Terry Franklin, Volume 27:17–41
Landscapes of Industry and Transport: Monclova and Torreón, Mexico, by Michael S. Yoder, Volume 21:179–200
Letters from Texas: An Army Wife on the Texas Frontier 1856–1860, by Ann Dixon, Volume 26:181–197
Letters to Castolon: Albert W. Dorgan and the Big Bend International Peace Park 1933–1943, by Jason Abrams, Volume 27:107–139
Life-Giving Trail: Documenting the Environmental History of Alamito Creek, by Megan Wilde and Steven Platt, Volume 23:39–62
Man Who Saved Sul Ross, The, by Judith Parsons, Volume 22:25–41
Mayer Halff: Pioneer Jewish Cattleman, by Mary E. Troxclair, Volume 22:189–205
Metaphors from Burial Caves: A Look at Five Subterranean Mortuary Caves in La Laguna, Coahuila, by Leticia González Arratia, Volume 22:119–138
Middle Archaic People of Eastern Trans-Pecos Texas: Their Life and Times 2500–1000 B.C., by Andrea J. Ohl, Volume 23:63–93
Murder at Seminole, by Glenn P. Willeford, Volume 23:21–37
Murder in the Big Bend: The Killing of Will Noel at Shafter in October 1889, A, by Troy M. Ainsworth, Volume 26:7–26
Ninety-Six Miles in Ninety-Six Hours: the Marfa–Terlingua Freight Road, 1899–1960, by Lonn Taylor, Volume 23:7–20
“No Country for Old Cows”: The Butcher Record of Charles H. Mahle, Fort Davis, Texas (July 20, 1889–September 2, 1892), by John Martin Davis, Jr., Volume 25:119–130
Northern Chihuahuan Desert Borderlands Ecosystems and Rare Natural Resources: Conservation Geography, History, Values, Priorities, Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities, by John P. Karges, Volume 24:9–43
Nothing Drab or Monotonous: Curtis Tunnell and a West Texas Sense of Place, by Dan K. Utley, Volume 22:7–24
Park Lands and Politics on the West Texas/Mexico Border, by Emily Levitt, Volume 21:219–243
Peyote Trade of the Texas Borderlands: Religion, Commerce, Conservation, and Drug Regulation, The, by Martin Terry, Volume 20:7–18
Presidios to Trading Posts: Money, Agriculture, Rare Earth Extraction, and General Business in the Lower Big Bend of Texas, 1759–1961, by Glenn Willeford, Volume 26:147–179
Price Is Right and Lot Views Are Fantastic! The Progress City and Brewster Townsite Scams, The, by Paul Wright, Volume 22:139–166
Projectile Points Collected During Surface Survey at Chilicote Ranch, Presidio and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas, by Jonathan Israel Rocha and Ayleen Alejandra Gutierrez, Volume 27:43–72
Psychology of Rock Art, The, by Andrea Powers, Volume 20:103–121
R.I. Bledsoe and the Platting and Selling of Presidio: 1911–1938, by Paul Wright, Volume 21:119–150
Rendezvous with Destiny . . . The Notable Military Careers of Fort Davis’s 1887 Alumni, by William F. Haenn, Volume 25:153–183
Roll Call of the Dead: An Accounting of Army Deaths at Fort Davis, Texas, 1854–1891, by Frank Deglman and Donna G. Smith, Volume 26:43–66
Salt Warriors: Insurgency on the Rio Grande, by Paul Cool (Book Review), by Lonn Taylor, Volume 20:137–138
Roll Call of the Dead: An Accounting of Army Deaths at Fort Davis, Texas, 1854–1891, by Frank Deglman and Donna G. Smith, Volume 26:43–66
Tale of Two Fronts: Constitutionalist Campaigns During Mexico’s Revolution of 1910 and the Results of those Actions along the United States-Mexico Border, 1913–1914, A, by John Eusebio Klingemann and Gerald Raun, Volume 24:189–205
Till Death (or Discharge) Do Us Part: The State of Medicine at the Nineteenth Century U.S. Army Post of Fort Davis, Texas, by Donna Gerstle Smith, Volume 25:105–117
Transboundary Conservation in the Big Bend, by Geoff Kelley, Volume 21:201–218
Wages of Social Stratification in 1939 in the Big Bend, The, by Paul Wright, Volume 27:73–106
“We have fingers crossed”: Mining in Big Bend’s Fresno Canyon, by Cynthia A. Brandimarte, Volume 22:43–80
West Point on the Rio Grande: United States Military Academy Graduates in Texas during the Border Troubles, 1911–1921, by Troy M. Ainsworth, Volume 25:131–151
When They Were Equal: Alpine and Marfa in 1940, by Paul Wright, Volume 26:97–145
- Abrams, Jason
- Letters to Castolon: Albert W. Dorgan and the Big Bend International Peace Park 1933–1943, Volume 27:107–139
- Ainsworth, Troy
- Henry C. Trost: Architect of “Arid America,” Volume 21:73–98
- Ainsworth, Troy M.
- West Point on the Rio Grande: United States Military Academy Graduates in Texas during the Border Troubles, 1911–1921, Volume 25:131–151
- Ainsworth, Troy M.
- A Murder in the Big Bend: The Killing of Will Noel at Shafter in October 1889, Volume 26:7–26
- Anderson, Clay
- Bloody Receipts: The Defensive and Cultural Foundations for Scalp Hunting, Volume 25:73–104
- Arratia, Leticia González
- Metaphors from Burial Caves: A Look at Five Subterranean Mortuary Caves in La Laguna, Coahuila, Volume 22:119–138
- Arratia, Leticia González
- The Laguna De Mayrán and Changes in the Desert Landscape: The Desiccation of a Seasonal Lake in Southern Coahuila and Associated Human Adaptations Through Time, Volume 24:151–161
- Bill, Antonio Pruneda
- José Maria Bill: Indian Captive-Army Guide, Volume 21:31–47
- Boren, Roger
- The Early Archaic Cultural Period in Eastern Trans-Pecos Texas, Volume 24:105–150
- Brandimarte, Cynthia A.
- “We have fingers crossed”: Mining in Big Bend’s Fresno Canyon, Volume 22:43–80
- Brandimarte, Cynthia
- Shares in Texas! The Santa Fe Land Trust and Title Company Hoax, Volume 24:63–87
- Braudaway, Doug
- Bracketing Bean: The Other Two Leaders of Langtry, Texas, Volume 20:61–73
- Braudaway, Doug
- African-American Del Rio, Volume 21:151–177
- Caldwell, Shirley W.
- The J.A. Tippit Journal and Tourism at Mitre Peak 1913–1939, Volume 21:99–117
- Carmichael, David, and Terry Franklin
- A Landscape Approach to Archaeological Distribution Patterns at Chilicote Ranch, Presidio and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas, Volume 27:17–41
- Davila, Jose Medina Gonzalez
- An Alternative Interpretation of Some Iconographies Present in the Lower Pecos River Style Rock Art: An Ethnographic Study, Volume 24:253–272
- Davis, John Martin, Jr.
- “No Country for Old Cows”: The Butcher Record of Charles H. Mahle, Fort Davis, Texas (July 20, 1889–September 2, 1892), Volume 25:119–130
- Deglman, Frank, and Donna G. Smith
- Roll Call of the Dead: An Accounting of Army Deaths at Fort Davis, Texas, 1854–1891, Volume 26:43–66
- Dixon, Ann
- Letters from Texas: An Army Wife on the Texas Frontier, 1856–1860, Volume 26:181–197
- Duarte, Gloria
- From Boxing to Painting: Lorenzo Castañeda, Jr., Volume 20:27–37
- Duarte, Gloria
- The Establishment of Christoval’s Mount Carmel Hermitage, Volume 23:95–110
- Eling, Herbert H., Jr. (translated by)
- Inspection of the Military Colonies of Chihuahua: Report Sent by the Inspector of the Military Colonies of the North, by Colonel Emilio Langberg, Volume 20:89–101
- Ely, Glen Sample
- Skullduggery at Spencer’s Ranch: Civil War Intrigue in West Texas, Volume 21:9–29
- Freer-Waters, Rachel
- Interpretation of Ceramic Spindle Whorls in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert, Volume 23:149–162
- Garrison, Tommy
- Giddings’ Lost Pecos Station, Volume 20:123–135
- Glasrud, Bruce A.
- Bibliophiling West Texas Black American History, Volume 20:19–26
- Haenn, William F.
- Rendezvous with Destiny . . . The Notable Military Careers of Fort Davis’s 1887 Alumni, Volume 25:153–183
- Hancock, Richard H.
- The Big Bend: Personal Reminiscences, Volume 22:167–187
- Hickerson, Nancy P.
- Cabeza de Vaca in Texas, Volume 24:163–188
- Hutchins, John M.
- Splashdown in the Rio Grande: The 1911 Flight of Lieutenant Benjamin Foulois and its Historic Place in the First Year of True Military Aviation, Volume 24:45–62
- Justice, Glenn
- Englishmen, Railroads, and the San Carlos Coal Mine, Volume 21:49–71
- Karges, John P.
- Northern Chihuahuan Desert Borderlands Ecosystems and Rare Natural Resources: Conservation Geography, History, Values, Priorities, Threats, Challenges, and Opportunities, Volume 24:9–43
- Kelley, Geoff
- Transboundary Conservation in the Big Bend, Volume 21:201–218
- Klingemann, John Eusebio, and Gerald Raun
- A Tale of Two Fronts: Constitutionalist Campaigns During Mexico’s Revolution of 1910 and the Results of those Actions along the United States-Mexico Border, 1913–1914, Volume 24:189–205
- Levitt, Emily
- Park Lands and Politics on the West Texas/Mexico Border, Volume 21:219–243
- Ohl, Andrea J.
- Middle Archaic People of Eastern Trans-Pecos Texas: Their Life and Times 2500–1000 B.C., Volume 23:63–93
- Parsons, Chuck
- The Jesse Evans Gang and the Death of Texas Ranger George R. Bingham, Volume 20:75–87
- Parsons, Judith
- The Man Who Saved Sul Ross, Volume 22:25–41
- Piehl, Jennifer C.
- and Robert J. Mallouf, Ghost Ridge: A Prehistoric Crevice Burial from Brewster County, Texas, Volume 25:7–71
- Powers, Andrea
- The Psychology of Rock Art, Volume 20:103–121
- Roberts, Timothy E.
- ‘Big Bend Bold’ Pictographs: Defining a New Rock Imagery Style in the Big Bend Region of Texas, Volume 22:81–108
- Roberts, Tim
- Decorated Stones of Southwest Texas and Northern Mexico: Scratching, and Painting, the Surface, Volume 26:67–95
- Rocha, Jonathan Israel, and Ayleen Alejandra Gutierrez
- Projectile Points Collected During Surface Survey at Chilicote Ranch, Presidio and Jeff Davis Counties, Texas, Volume 27:43–72
- Rodríguez, Oscar, Amber Rodríguez, and David Gohre
- The Chinaitih Mountains: The Case for a More Plausible Narrative for How the Chinati Mountains Got Their Name, Volume 26:27–42
- Sibayan, Kitty
- Arl Walter Fulcher: A Cowboy in France, a Soldier in Terlingua, Texas, Volume 24:89–104
- Smith, Donna Gerstle
- Till Death (or Discharge) Do Us Part: The State of Medicine at the Nineteenth Century U.S. Army Post of Fort Davis, Texas, Volume 25:105–117
- Smith, Thomas Ty
- Camp Mayers Spring, Texas, 1880–1884, Volume 27:1–16
- Taylor, Lonn
- Salt Warriors: Insurgency on the Rio Grande, by Paul Cool (Book Review), Volume 20:137–138
- Taylor, Lonn
- The Five-Year White Elephant: Building the Davis Mountains Indian Lodge, Volume 22:109–118
- Taylor, Lonn
- Ninety-Six Miles in Ninety-Six Hours: the Marfa–Terlingua Freight Road, 1899–1960, Volume 23:7–20
- Terry, Martin
- The Peyote Trade of the Texas Borderlands: Religion, Commerce, Conservation, and Drug Regulation, Volume 20:7–18
- Troxclair, Mary E.
- Mayer Halff: Pioneer Jewish Cattleman, Volume 22:189–205
- Utley, Dan K.
- Nothing Drab or Monotonous: Curtis Tunnell and a West Texas Sense of Place, Volume 22:7–24
- Wilde, Megan, and Steven Platt
- Life-Giving Trail: Documenting the Environmental History of Alamito Creek, Volume 23:39–62
- Willeford, Glenn P.
- Murder at Seminole, Volume 23:21–37
- Willeford, Glenn
- Presidios to Trading Posts: Money, Agriculture, Rare Earth Extraction, and General Business in the Lower Big Bend of Texas, 1759–1961, Volume 26:147–179
- Wright, Paul
- Build it and They Will Come? Boom and Bust in Presidio, Volume 20:39–60
- Wright, Paul
- R.I. Bledsoe and the Platting and Selling of Presidio: 1911–1938, Volume 21:119–150
- Wright, Paul
- The Price Is Right and Lot Views Are Fantastic! The Progress City and Brewster Townsite Scams, Volume 22:139–166
- Wright, Paul
- Forty Acres and a Lot: Early Rural Land Subdivision in the Big Bend, Volume 23:111–147
- Wright, Paul
- All That Glitters is Not Gold: The El Oro Sagas, Volume 24:207–251
- Wright, Paul
- Four Different Communities: Presidio in 1910, 1920, 1930, and 1940, Volume 25:185–228
- Wright, Paul
- When They Were Equal: Alpine and Marfa in 1940, Volume 26:97–145
- Wright, Paul
- The Wages of Social Stratification in 1939 in the Big Bend, Volume 27:73–106
- Yoder, Michael S.
- Landscapes of Industry and Transport: Monclova and Torreón, Mexico, Volume 21:179–200