Compiled by Gerald G. Raun
Edited by Kelly S. García
HTML conversion by Frank García
©1997 Center for Big Bend Studies
139 pages
$5 (Free upon request to CBBS members)
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Acculturation on the Rio Grande Frontier: The Founding of San José del Polvo and the Family of Lucia Rede Madrid, by Earl H. Elam, Volume 5:79-95
Archeological Reconnaissance of the Rosillos Mountains, Brewster County, Texas, An, by Robert J. Mallouf and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle, Volume 1:1-24
Arroyo de las Burras: Preliminary Findings from the 1992 SRSU Archeological Field School, by Robert J. Mallouf, Volume 7:3-39
Beginning of the End: Eschatological Notions in the Discovery of the New World, The, by Melinda Lang Hilsenbeck, Volume 4:1-18
Big Bend Archives: The Big Bend Military District and Colonel James J. Hornbrook’s Recruiting Announcement, by Earl H. Elam, Volume 2:117-122
Big Bend National Park– Land of Contrasts, by Ross A. Maxwell, Volume 1:107-120
Big Bend Population in 1900: Size, Growth, and Distribution, The, by Paul Wright, Volume 8:135-151
Big Bend’s Benjamin F. Berkeley: Physician, Promoter, and Politician, The, by Jim Cullen, Volume 1:95-105
Cattle Smuggling in the Big Bend Region of Texas: A Case Study, by Kenneth B. Ragsdale, Volume 1:83-93
Charles Drury Wood: Big Bend Pioneer, by Bill Wright, Volume 7:55-69
Chihuahuan Desert Candelilla: Folk Gathering of a Regional Resource, by JoAnn Pospisil, Volume 6:59-73
Construction of Fort D. A. Russell, Marfa, Texas, The, by J. Tillapaugh, Volume 8:167-198
Corridos: Reflections of Acculturation Along the Border, by Marianne Bachman Kerr, Volume 7:203-216
Crisis at the Molinar School, by H. W. “Pat” Patterson, Volume 2:87-92
Curanderismo: Mexican Folk Healing, by Grover H. (Dean) Smith, Volume 7:217-227
“Dear Kit”: The Relations of a Fort Davis Army Surgeon and Kit Carson, 1854-1860, by Earl H. Elam, Volume 4:75-87
Death of General Pascual Orozco, by Bill Leftwich, Volume 2:93-96
Death of the Hero in Modern Drama of the American West, The, by Patricia Gordon, Volume 5:1-13
Del Rio to Sanderson: Southern Pacific Country Along the Rio Grande, by Mark H. Lamb, Volume 6:139-154
Demography of La Junta de los Ríos del Norte y Conchos, The, by Howard G. Applegate, Volume 4:43-73
Escuela del Barrio: A History of the Alpine Centennial School, 1936-1969, La, by Abelardo Baeza, Volume 4:131-145
Escuela de Don Clemente: History of the Madero Ward Elementary School in Alpine, Texas, 1910-1936, La, by Abelardo Baeza, Volume 7:41-52
Escuela Escondida: History of the Morgan School in Alpine, Texas, 1929-1954, La, by Abelardo Baeza, Volume 6:85-98
Fort Clark, Texas: A Brief History, by Ben E. Pingenot, Volume 7:103-122
From Castolon to Santa Elena: The People Behind the Ruins, by Susan L. Tanner, Volume 5:97-111
Glenn Springs-Boquillas Raid Reconsidered: Diplomatic Intrigue on the Rio Grande, The, by Arthur R. Gomez, Volume 4:97-113
Health Services Accessibility in a Rural Environment: A Study of the Transnational Area of Southern Brewster and Presidio Counties and Northern Mexico, by Jim Case and Beto Garcia, Volume 5:137-147
Historic Ruins Along Middle Tornillo Creek Big Bend National Park, Texas, by Teresa Weedin, Volume 6:35-57
History of the Jews of Texas’ Middle Corridor, by William J. Munter, Volume 6:115-129
Influenza Epidemic of 1918 in Far West Texas, The, by Karen Green, Volume 5:125-136
Interview with Eve Ball, An, by Lawrence Clayton, Volume 3:125-138
Introduction: Celebration of the Columbian Quincentenary, by Earl H. Elam, Volume 2:iv-vii
Irrigation in Southwest Texas: The Quemado Project, by Robert C. Overfelt, Jr., Volume 2:109-115
“I Will Love You in Atlantic City….” , by Beverly Six Case, Volume 3:103-124
Jack Woodland: Forgotten Frontiersman, by Ben E. Pingenot, Volume 8:51-60
J. C. Bird: A Big Bend Pioneer, by Tommy R. Woodward, Volume 5:15-36
J. D. Jackson: “The Father of Sul Ross”, by Betty Dillard, Volume 8:87-107
John L. Bullis: “Farsighted and Keen” Trans-Pecos Land Speculator, by Jim Fenton, Volume 2:73-86
Johnson’s Ranch and Trading Post on the Rio Grande, by Glenn P. Willeford, Volume 8:61-78
Jumanos and Tarahumaras: A Common Identity?, by Carolyn Ohl, Volume 5:49-66
Kickapoo Resistance and Survival Through Migration in Mexico and Texas, 1835-1877, by Edward J. Gesick, Jr., Volume 6:75-84
Las Vegas de los Ladrones and the Flynt Gang, by Franklin W. Daugherty, Volume 3:1-28
Life in the Big Bend CCC Camp–Summer 1937, by Rollin H. Baker, Volume 7:89-101
Little Airlines in the Big Bend: Past Efforts to Provide Service for an Isolated Part of Texas, by Allen Anthony, Volume 1:121-146
Madera Canyon: Historic Corner of the Davis Mountains, by Robert S. Weddle, Volume 2:43-58
Mexican-American Traditional Foodways at La Junta de los Ríos, by Joe S. Graham, Volume 2:1-27
Myth America: Velleities and Realities of the American Ethos, by Felipe de Ortego y Gasca, Volume 6:5-21
National Guard on the Border and One Soldier’s Viewpoint, The, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 6:123-137
Native American and Mestizo Farming at La Junta de los Ríos, by Enrique R. Madrid, Volume 8:15-31
New Light on Chisos Apache Indian Chief Alsate, by Franklin W. Daugherty and Luis López Elizondo, Volume 8:33-49
Notes on General Luís Alberto Guajardo, by Franklin W. Daugherty, Volume 7:123-134
Parker H. French Expedition Through Southwest Texas in 1850, The, by Albert B. Tucker, Volume 6:23-36
Physical Geography of a Significant Border Region, La Junta de los Ríos, The, by Russell Gardinier, Volume 1:25-50
Pioneer Medicine Woman, A, by Anita Torres Smith, Volume 8:79-85
Population Patterns in Presidio County in 1880: Evidence from the Census, by Paul Wright, Volume 7:181-201
Praxedis Mata Torres: The First Mexican-American Teacher in the Public Schools in Uvalde County, Texas, by Anita Torres Smith, Volume 3:157-179
Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of the Pecos River on Geographic Distribution of Small Mammals in Western Texas, by Robert R. Hollander, Clyde Jones, J. Knox Jones, Jr., and Richard W. Manning, Volume 2:97-107
Random Recollections and Mules Can Be Mulish, by Lieutenant General Samuel L. Myers, Volume 5:113-123
Rickenbacker and Halliburton: Evincing the “Texas Spirit,” by David R. Halliburton, Volume 3:139-156
Rio Conchos: Drainage, History, Archaeology, Significance, The, by J. Charles Kelley, Volume 2:29-41
San Vicente Rain Dance, The, by Elton Miles, Volume 3:29-41
Seminole-Negro Indian Scouts in the Big Bend, The, by Thomas A. Britten, Volume 5:67-77
Settlements and Settlers at La Junta de los Rios, 1759-1822, by Oakah L. Jones, Volume 3:43-70
Seventeen Days in November: The Lynching of Antonio Rodríguez and American-Mexican Relations, November 3-19, 1910, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 7:157-179
Shearing: La Trasquila, in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, by Anita Torres Smith, Volume 6:99-117
Sierra Madre Oriental: The Lady and the Black Bear, La, by Magdalena Benavides Sumpter and Michael James Ritchie, Volume 6:119-122
Spanell-Butler Murders of 1916: A Tragedy in Three Acts, The, by Gerald G. Raun, Volume 8:109-121
Spanish-Indian Relations in the Big Bend Region during the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, by Elizabeth A. H. John, Volume 3:71-80
Storyteller: An Interview with Big Bend Pioneer Hallie Crawford Stillwell, The, by Betty L. Dillard, Volume 5:37-47
Teachers and Teaching in the Last Frontier: 1900-1950, by Albert B. Tucker, Volume 8:123-133
Terlingua Abaja, by Albert B. Tucker, Volume 3:81-101
Terlingua and Los Chisos: The Place Names, by Elton Miles, Volume 1:51-61
Texas Fort and the Major General D. A. Russell, The, by J. Tillapaugh, Volume 7:135-147
Tratado de Libre Comercio Mexico-USA(Free Trade Agreement Between Mexico and the USA), El, by Walter E. Greene, Zavier Aguilar Milanes, Greforio Herrar Santiago, Marco Polo Tello Velasco, and Gary D. Walls, Volume 6:155-170
Various Aspects of the Rock Art in South Brewster County, Texas, by Carolyn Ohl, Volume 4:19-32
Victor J. Smith: Pioneer Archeologist, by Curtis Tunnell, Volume 4:33-42
W. B. Mitchell and the Early Days of the Trans-Pecos Cattle Industry, by Judith A. Parsons, Volume 2:59-71
W. D. Smithers: Big Bend Photographer, by Barney Nelson, Volume IV:89-96
Watch Along the Rio Grande, The, by B.T. Davenport, Volume 7:149-156
West of the Pecos: Prehistoric Adaptations in the Transition to the Eastern Trans-Pecos Region, by Solveig A. Turpin, Volume 8:1-14
When the Big Bend Joined America, by Leon C. Metz, Volume 1:63-69
William Rufus Shafter with the Frontier Army in the Big Bend, by Paul Carlson, Volume 1:71-82
Women and Wax: Female Participation in the Candelilla Wax Industry, by JoAnn Pospisil, Volume 8:153-166
- Anthony, Allen
- 1989 Little Airlines in the Big Bend: Past Efforts to Provide Service for an Isolated Part of Texas, Volume 1:121-146
- Applegate, Howard G.
- 1992 The Demography of La Junta de los Ríos del Norte y Conchos, Volume 4:43-73
- Baeza, Abelardo
- 1992 La Escuela del Barrio: A History of the Alpine Centennial School, 1936-1969, Volume 4:131-145
- 1994 La Escuela Escondida: History of the Morgan School in Alpine, Texas, 1929-1954, Volume 6:85-98
- 1995 La Escuela de Don Clemente: History of the Madero Ward Elementary School in Alpine, Texas, 1910-1936, Volume 7:41-53
- Baker, Rollin H.
- 1995 Life in the Big Bend CCC Camp — Summer 1937, Volume 7:89-101
- Bowers, W. R.
- 1995 The CCC, the Big Bend, and Me, Volume 7:71-87
- Britten, Thomas A.
- 1993 The Seminole-Negro Indian Scouts in the Big Bend, Volume 5:67-77
- Carlson, Paul
- 1989 William Rufus Shafter with the Frontier Army in the Big Bend, Volume 1:71-82
- Case, Beverly Six
- 1991 “I Will Love You in Atlantic City…. ,” Volume 3:103-124
- Case, Jim and Beto Garcia
- 1993 Health Services Accessibility in a Rural Environment: A Study of the Transnational Area of Southern Brewster and Presidio Counties and Northern Mexico, Volume 5:137-147
- Clayton, Lawrence
- 1993 An Interview with Eve Ball, Volume 3:125-138
- Cullen, Jim
- 1989 The Big Bend’s Benjamin F. Berkeley: Physician, Promoter, and Politician, Volume 1:95-105
- Daugherty, Franklin W.
- 1991 Las Vegas de los Ladrones and the Flynt Gang, Volume 3:1-28
- 1995 Notes on General Luís Alberto Guajardo, Volume 7:123-134
- Daugherty, Franklin W. and Luis López Elizondo
- 1996 New Light on Chisos Apache Indian Chief Alsate, Volume 8:33-49
- Davenport, B.T.
- 1995 The Watch Along the Rio Grande, Volume 7:149-156
- Dillard, Betty
- 1989 J. D. Jackson: “The Father of Sul Ross”, Volume 1:87-107
- 1993 The Storyteller: An Interview with Big Bend Pioneer Hallie Crawford Stillwell, Volume 5:37-47
- Elam, Earl H.
- 1989 Columbian Quincentenary Planning in the Center for Big Bend Studies, Volume 1:147-151
- 1990 Big Bend Archives: The Big Bend Military District and Colonel James J. Hornbrook’s Recruiting Announcement, Volume 2:117-122
- 1990 Introduction: Celebration of the Columbian Quincentenary, Volume 2:iv-vii
- 1992 “Dear Kit”: The Relations of a Fort Davis Army Surgeon and Kit Carson, 1854-1860, Volume 4:75-87
- 1993 Acculturation on the Rio Grande Frontier: The Founding of San José del Polvo and the Family of Lucia Rede Madrid, Volume 5:79-95
- Fenton, Jim
- 1990 John L. Bullis: “Farsighted and Keen” Trans-Pecos Land Speculator, Volume 2:73-86
- Gardinier, Russell
- 1989 The Physical Geography of a Significant Border Region, La Junta de los Rios, Volume 1:25-50
- Gesick, Edward J., Jr.
- 1994 Kickapoo Resistance and Survival Through Migrations in Mexico and Texas, 1835-1877, Volume 6:75-84
- Gomez, Arthur R.
- 1992 The Glenn Springs-Boquillas Raid Reconsidered: Diplomatic Intrigue on the Rio Grande, Volume 4:97-113
- Gordon, Patricia
- 1993 The Death of the Hero in Modern Drama of the American West, Volume 5:1-13
- Graham, Joe S.
- 1990 Mexican-American Traditional Foodways at La Junta de los Rios, Volume 2:1-27
- Green, Karen
- 1993 The Influenza Epidemic of 1918 in Far West Texas, Volume 5:125-136
- Greene, Walter E., Zavier Aguilar Milanes, Greforio Herrar Santiago, Marco Polo Tello Velasco, and Gary D. Walls
- 1994 El Tratado de Libre Comercio Mexico-USA (Free Trade Agreement Between Mexico and the USA), Volume 6:155-170
- Halliburton, David R.
- 1991 Rickenbacker and Halliburton: Evincing the “Texas Spirit”, Volume 3:139-156
- Hilsenbeck, Melinda Lang
- 1992 The Beginning of the End: Eschatological Notions in the Discovery of the New World, Volume 4:1-18
- Hollander, Robert R., Clyde Jones, J. Knox Jones, Jr., and Richard W. Manning
- 1990 Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of the Pecos River on Geographic Distribution of Small Mammals in West Texas, Volume 2:97-107
- John, Elizabeth A. H.
- 1991 Spanish-Indian Relations in the Big Bend Region during the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, Volume 3:71-80
- Jones, Oakah L.
- 1991 Settlements and Settlers at La Junta de los Rios, 1759-1822, Volume 3:43-70
- Kelley, J. Charles
- 1990 The Rio Conchos Drainage: History, Archaeology, Significance, Volume 2:29-41
- Kerr, Marianne Bachman
- 1995 Corridos: Reflections of Acculturation Along the Border, Volume 7:203-216
- Lamb, Mark H.
- 1994 Del Rio to Sanderson: Southern Pacific Country along the Rio Grande, Volume 6:139-154
- Leftwich, Bill
- 1990 Death of General Pascual Orozco, Volume 2:93-96
- Madrid, Enrique R.
- 1996 Native American and Mestizo Farming at La Junta de los Ríos, Volume 8:15-31
- Mallouf, Robert J.
- 1995 Arroyo de las Burras: Preliminary Findings from the 1992 SRSU Archeological Field School, Volume 7:3-39
- Mallouf, Robert J. and Virginia A. Wulfkuhle
- 1989 An Archeological Reconnaissance of the Rosillos Mountains, Brewster County, Texas, Volume 1:1-24
- Maxwell, Ross A.
- 1989 Big Bend National Park–A Land of Contrasts, Volume 1:107-120
- Metz, Leon C.
- 1989 When the Big Bend Joined America, Volume 1:61-69
- Miles, Elton
- 1989 Terlingua and Los Chisos: The Place Names, Volume 1:51-61
- 1991 The San Vicente Rain Dance, Volume 3:29-41
- Munter, William J.
- 1992 History of the Jews of Texas’ Middle Corridor, Volume 4:115-129
- Myers, Lieutenant General Samuel L.
- 1993 Random Recollections and Mules Can Be Mulish, Volume 5:113-123
- Nelson, Barney
- 1992 W. D. Smithers: Big Bend Photographer, Volume 4:89-96
- Ohl, Carolyn
- 1992 Various Aspects of the Rock Art in South Brewster County, Texas, Volume 4:19-32
- 1993 Jumanos and Tarahumaras: A Common Identity?, Volume 5:49-66
- Ortego y Gasca, Felipe de
- 1994 Myth America: Velleities and Realities of the American Ethos, Volume 6:5-21
- Overfelt, Robert C., Jr.
- 1990 Irrigation in Southwest Texas: The Quemado Project, Volume 2:109-115
- Parsons, Judith A.
- 1994 W. B. Mitchell and the Early Days of the Trans-Pecos Cattle Industry, Volume 2:59-71
- Patterson, H. W. “Pat”
- 1990 Crisis at the Molinar School, Volume 2:87-92
- Pingenot, Ben E.
- 1995 Fort Clark, Texas: A Brief History, Volume 7:103-122
- 1996 Jack Woodland: Forgotten Frontiersman, Volume 8:51-60
- Pospisil, JoAnn
- 1994 Chihuahuan Desert Candelilla: Folk Gathering of a Regional Resource, Volume 6:59-73
- 1996 Women and Wax: Female Participation in the Candelilla Wax Industry, Volume 8:153-166
- Ragsdale, Kenneth B.
- 1989 Cattle Smuggling in the Big Bend Region of Texas: A Case Study, Volume 1:83-93
- Raun, Gerald G.
- 1994 The National Guard on the Border and One Soldier’s Viewpoint, Volume 6:123-137
- 1995 Seventeen Days in November: The Lynching of Antonio Rodríguez and American-Mexican Relations, November 3-19, 1910, Volume 7:157-179
- 1996 The Spanell-Butler Murders of 1916: A Tragedy in Three Acts, Volume 8:109-121
- Smith, Anita Torres
- 1990 Praxedis Mata Torres: The First Mexican-American Teacher in the Public Schools in Uvalde County, Texas, Volume 3:157-179
- 1992 Shearing: La Trasquila, in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, Volume 6:99-117
- 1996 A Pioneer Medicine Woman, Volume 8:79-85
- Smith, Grover H. (Dean)
- 1995 Curanderismo: Mexican Folk Healing, Volume 7:217-227
- Sumpter, Magdalena Benavides and Michael James Ritchie
- 1994 La Sierra Madre Oriental: The Lady and the Black Bear, Volume 6:119-122
- Tanner, Susan L.
- 1993 From Castolon to Santa Elena: The People Behind the Ruins, Volume 5:97-111
- Tillapaugh, J.
- 1996 The Construction of Fort D. A. Russell, Marfa, Texas, Volume 8:167-198
- 1995 The Texas Fort and the Major General D. A. Russell, Volume 7:135-147
- Tucker, Albert B.
- 1991 Terlingua Abaja, Volume 3:81-101
- 1994 The Parker H. French Expedition Through Southwest Texas in 1850, Volume 6:23-36
- 1996 Teachers and Teaching in the Last Frontier, 1900-1950, Volume 8:123-133
- Tunnell, Curtis
- 1992 Victor J. Smith: Pioneer Archeologist, Volume 4:33-42
- Turpin, Solveig A.
- 1996 West of the Pecos: Prehistoric Adaptations in the Transition to the Eastern Trans-Pecos Region, Volume 8:1-14
- Weddle, Robert S.
- 1990 Madera Canyon: Historic Corner of the Davis Mountains, Volume 2:43-58
- Weedin, Teresa
- 1994 Historic Ruins Along Middle Tornillo Creek Big Bend National Park, Texas, Volume 6:37-57
- Willeford, Glenn P.
- 1996 Johnson’s Ranch and Trading Post on the Rio Grande, Volume 8:61-78
- Woodward, Tommy R.
- 1993 J. C. Bird: A Big Bend Pioneer, Volume 5:15-36
- Wright, Bill
- 1995 Charles Drury Wood: Big Bend Pioneer, Volume 7:55-69
- Wright, Paul
- 1995 Population Patterns in Presidio County in 1880: Evidence from the Census, Volume 7:181-201
- 1996 The Big Bend Population in 1900: Size, Growth, and Distribution, Volume 8:135-151