Center for Big Bend Studies Submission Guidelines

Contact Addresses

Manuscripts for the Journal of Big Bend Studies should be e-mailed to the Editor at the Center for Big Bend Studies at

If sent through the mail, a hard copy of the manuscript should be accompanied by original artwork, and a digital version of the paper on a
disk. Send your material to:


Center for Big Bend Studies, SRSU, Box C-71

Alpine, TX 79832

Abstracts of less than 200 words are required to introduce each article.

Writing Guidelines

Please type all documents in Microsoft Word, and automatically link citations by utilizing the Insert > Footnote/Endnote option in the toolbar (Word 97-2003) or Insert > Footer > Blank (Word 2007).

Include your full name, e-mail, address, and phone number somewhere on the submission.

Turn off auto-formatting before typing the paper, and do not try to embellish papers with special formats, fonts, etc. All
formatting and style will be changed for layout.

Do not use the tab key to indent – set indents with the ruler bar or format option. Do not press the Enter key twice between
paragraphs – once is enough.

Do not embed tables or images in the manuscript. Tables should be done in Word using the table format. Supply images as separate image files with 300 dpi resolution if possible. Images taken from web pages generally have inadequate resolution for print purposes.

Historical and cultural papers must follow Turabian style for text and notes. Please refer to A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, by Kate L. Turabian (Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1996) or visit

For manuscripts in the social sciences, please follow the author-date system delineated in Turabian style (parenthetical references), with a
references cited section. Contact the Editor at the above address for a copy of the guidelines or for any question relating to editorial

For anthropology, archaeology, etc. papers visit the Society for American Archaeology style guide at

Please note that references and footnotes will be converted to a “house style” by the editor for publication.

Upon publication of the Journal, each author will receive a copy of the finished Journal and ten copies of the individual article.


Authors are encouraged to submit photographs, artwork, maps, etc. to accompany their paper. Every image must have a credit and
permission must be obtained to use archived and copyrighted images. Digital images may be e-mailed to the editor along with the
manuscript. Otherwise, original art must be mailed or delivered for scanning. Tables and artwork must be in a document separate from
the manuscript.

The Center cannot guarantee drafting services for amateur cartography or tables, and authors are thus encouraged to have all such
artwork professionally drafted before submitting. Tables must be done in Word in a table format in a document separate from the

Original artwork is returned to the author along with a copy of the finished Journal and ten copies of the individual article.

Please review our Image Quality Guidelines before submitting any photos, maps, or illustrations to us for publication.

January 1 —December 31 Yearly Subscriptions

The Journal of Big Bend Studies is available as a benefit of membership as a Center Associate.

Current and past volumes of the Journal of Big Bend Studies are available for $15 each.

Contact Michelle Lacey, Center for Big Bend Studies, SRSU, Box C-71, Alpine, TX 79832; telephone (432) 837-8179; or
e-mail for more information.