Journal of Big Bend Studies

Earl H. Elam, Series Editor
Center for Big Bend Studies
230 pages
Out of Print
Table of Contents
Arroyo de las Burras: Preliminary Findings from the 1992 SRSU Archeological Field School
La Escuela de Don Clemente: History of the Madero Ward Elementary School in Alpine, Texas, 1910 – 1936
Charles Drury Wood: Big Bend Pioneer
The CCC, the Big Bend, and Me
Life in the Big Bend CCC Camp — Summer 1937
Fort Clark, Texas: A Brief History
Note on General Luis Alberto Guajardo
The Texas Fort and the Major General D.A. Russell
The Watch Along the Rio Grande
Seventeen Days in November: The Lynching of Antonio Rodriguez and American-Mexican Relations, November 3-19, 1910
Population Patterns in Presido County in 1880: Evidence from the Census
Corridos: Reflections of Acculturation Along the Border
Curanderismo: Mexican Folk Healing