Reports in Contract Archeology 6

Samuel S. Cason and William A. Cloud
Robert J. Mallouf, Series Editor
Erin Caro Aguayo, Technical Editor(s)
Center for Big Bend Studies
42 pages
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The Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, administered by the National Park Service, is seeking cultural resource clearance for prescribed burn activities on approximately 2,000 acres in the vicinity of Plum Creek. In October of 2002, the Center for Big Bend Studies, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas, conducted an archeological survey of the project area. Eighteen new sites (41PT321, 41PT322, 41PT323, 41PT324, 41PT325, 41PT326, 41PT327, 41PT328, 41PT329, 41PT330, 41PT331, 41PT332, 41PT333, 41PT334, 41PT335, 41PT336, 41PT337, 41PT338) and seven isolated occurrences were recorded. Four previously recorded sites (41PT314, 41PT316, 41PT339, and 41PT340) were relocated and the boundaries expanded on all but 41PT316. Of these 22 sites, 20 contain only prehistoric material, including chipped stone debitage, stone tools, hearths, and stone-lined depressions. Two of the 22 sites (41PT314 and 41PT339) have both prehistoric and historic cultural material. Historic features include cement and stone foundations, midden debris, a cistern, and a stone dam. Protective measures are recommended for two sites (41PT332 and 41PT339) where burn activities could have the potential to negatively impact the research value of cultural deposits.
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