Reports in Contract Archeology 18

David W. Keller and William A. Cloud
Robert J. Mallouf, Series Editor
Erin Caro Aguayo, Technical Editor(s)
Center for Big Bend Studies
41 pages
Out of Print
To satisfy federal requirements, personnel from the Center for Big Bend Studies conducted an intensive archaeological survey in February 2006, prior to the construction of the Davis Mountains Preserve’s new Madera Canyon Nature Trail. The project consisted of a 100% pedestrian survey of a 2.9 km (1.8 mi) long, 3 m wide trail corridor—in addition to a discretionary “visual corridor”—beginning at the Madera Canyon Roadside Park and extending around an adjacent ridge before looping back to the point of departure. A total of 3 sites were evaluated, including two prehistoric sites and one historic site. Avoidance measures are recommended at one site. Artifacts collected during the project will be retained by the Texas Nature Conservancy at the Davis Mountains Preserve for display and interpretation.
* Contact the Center at (432) 837-8179 or at to obtain a photocopy.